Background History

The activities of the association; Ability to help


Blind persons can enrol individually. At the annual general meeting being held every (4) years, blind persons may be elected as The Central Executive Committee members. Those who love and sympathize towards. The blind persons and who wish to help and supply them were also eligible to the elected as the Central Executive Committee members. Excutive Committee was formed[By the Blind][For the (benefit of the) Blinds] and they decided and carry out the tasks, committee-wise.

Fund raising programmes

  • Hiring of music ensemble
  • Production and distribution of calendars
  • Hiring of lecture hall
  • Fundfair
  • Hiring of PA System
  • Multi Media
  • Recording Studio
  • Catering Service


‌Thorough the above-mentioned work programme, nurturing was carried out in such a way that, the Blinds may become as an accumulated force, by standing on our feet after freeing themselves from relying on others. Therefore, nurturing help emergence of educated blind persons and those blind persons who had completed the course of study in livelihood and it lead them to their proper places of work.

How it stand

In such nurturing, blinds can personally participate and standing is implemented with the loving kindness, sympathy of the parent citizens and donation and aid of them. The manner in which well-wishers can extend their donations are :

  • Single meal donation for life
  • Establishment of endowment fund
  • Monthly donation
  • Donation by “ Adoptive Well-wishers”
  • Meal donation for the day
  • Provisions, consumer goods and medicine donation
  • Donation for building

Things valued by the organization

  • upgrading the lives of the blinds
  • offering service happily
  • having faithfulness
  • having honesty
  • having family spirit


Myanmar Christian Fellowship of the Blinds ( MCFB) is to carry out as follows.

  • irrespective of the race, the religion, the blind persons are to complete the course of studies in literature, fine arts and vocational training for keeping abreast of people in the human society,
  • the blind persons are to develop physically, mentally and spiritually for actively participating in the service of God by making fellowship with others by praying together with them.

Vision for the Future

For the sake of showing the face that the blind persons can regain eye sight again, this mission was founded and works are being carried out.

Winning Post/God

The mission that show the blind persons the fact that they can regain eye sight once again.

Organization Structure