School Accademic Course
- Pre-Kindergarten to Grade Eleven
- (University Students stay in the school and attend the university, school support teaching aid and other needs)
- “3” R class for adult blind (Read, Write in Braille and Mathematics.)
- V I M D classroom (visual impair with multiple disability)
Other Training
- Orientation and mobility
- Audio aided classroom (for primary)
- Daily Living Skills
Vocational Training
- A Japanese massage technique training which takes the students at least 3 months for male and female at Agape Massage Workshop, Kaweichan.
- Plastic duster making training is provided especially for female students at Htan Ta Pin VIAD Center.
- Cane and bamboo Training
- Only for adult male (blind). Training for weaving cane, making small cane chair cane pillow etc…
- Massage Training
- For adult male and female training in Japanese message.
- Making crystal key chain and plastic rope hamock for women.
Printing and Production Of Braille Books
- From our Communication Information & Teaching Aids Dept. produce Braille Text books, Spical Edition Journals, Spiritual and other general books.
Production of talking books for the blind
- You can donate your voice for Audio Books which is producing for Blinds.
Job Placement Training
- Under Rehabilitation and Job Placement department Blind students have been aided with vocational trainings, coordinating with Yangon Education for the Blind. After finished the trainings, the students who need help to find job can apply application.
Parents Training on (“How to raise a blind child)
- For parents of blind children, every alternate year school open for parent training. This training is for parents, how to care and raise up a blind child. On other hand school produce advocacy wall sheet and pamphlet.
Capacity Building ( for staff )
- Teachers Training
- Parent Training
- Staff development Training
- Reporting writing Training
- Facilitation Skill and team building Training
Rehabilitation and Job Placement
Prevention of Blindness
Bible Training Course