Yangon School for the Blinds
From the Principals to the Parents,
Parents are one’s first teacher ( Mentor ).For the blind children to become brilliant and bright, the parents have full responsibility.
After all, blind children are young human beings. They will complete the course of study if they are systematically taught and trained. If they sometime forget, they are to be taught again.
If the Sayar/Sayama from the school and the parents carry out tasks perseveringly by joining together, the future of the blind children will become lustrous.
In the same way as the ordinary children, blind children also require warmth of parents’ breast for taking refuge by them. Telling of bed time fables, or playing together with the brothers and sisters, taking foods with them, and specifying, distributing and assigning of household duties should be carried out.
In order to avoid feeling of destitution by the children owing to their impairment of vision, parents also have special responsibility. Only when encouragement and help of those blind children’s parents is once more enjoyed along with systematic nurturing of us, the Saya/Sayama, we will certainly reach to the winning-post.
When Parents and Sayas go hand in hand.
Whatever the life will be, when confronted with the correct morale, it is true that, the success will be obtained unerringly. The encouragement and help, reinforced with the morale of the person responsible for the dead or act is the significant key point of the success.
Saw Tha Khoe Maw is second son of U Tint Tut Soe and Daw Phaw Sae. As his vision is impaired starting from age (10), he studied at School for Blinds at (Khawei Chan).
He had passed tenth standard in (2001) and he became university graduate in (2006) as an English major. After finishing at school, he started as a helper at his parents’ fishery. At present he is becoming the one who is personally working as a leader.
His significant part of the work composed of Administration, Management, and giving Advice where there are requirement in work. In addition to that, he earned success as a disabled-person businessman by attending and discussing at the meeting of the “ Perspectives of Disability Inclusive Businessmen” sponsored by APCD. By looking at a part of Saw Tha Khoe Maw’s life, the face that parents’ encouragement can build a life is definite and never-failing.
Therefore, whoever he/she may be, irrespective of poverty or wealth, parental encouragement and help are predominant strength for the children.
I am troubled in mind. Father says that night is dark. Day is bright. I do not know that.What I know is that: at the night time cricket’s clirping are heard in greater quantity, and in the day’s time, birds’ crying and noises of human beings are heard. Intensily of sun’s heat is being felt I have made a mental note in such a manner. It would be better to teach me in future in a method which I can understand.
At our school,
At (6:00) hour in the morning we get up from bed and do self-cleanliness, At(6:30), we do the praying. After that, we happily polish the floor, carry out the sweeping, wash the lavatory/w.c. and make preparation to go to the school. We study school lessons up to(3:40) in the evening, and we take evening meal at about(4:15)PM. After doing obsisance at (6:00) PM, we have to remember and memorise again whatever we hear the whole day in the class room. By (1:00)PM, we go to sleep as the day’s works are finished.
As a Programme of Job Placement for the blind we have academic and vocational trainings and massage is also one of the trainings.
This training is not an ordinary one. The Principal of Kyu Sju Massage Co.,Ltd himself came and gave the trainings in the Japanese style of Massage.
If your limbs and muscles are weary and aching, due to mental stress, physical fatigue,
bad blood circulation and muscles becoming stiff. Our Centre can help you by massage for relief.
To the parents,
The predominant factor to let everybody know is that, a blind child is an ordinary child. He / She must be allowed to participate fully in the family.
Visual impairment is not that he/she is intellectually handicapped .It’s is merely a rare privilege that can help develop the extraordinary prowess.
In Spite of the lock of sense of vision, the world can be studied through other senses such as touch, hearing, smell, taste and such others.
When you are directing a blind person, in place of “ that side”,” this side”, please direct precisely by saying to the left, to the right, to the front and to the back, and so on.
While doing work at home, while paying visit and while going to bazaar; go together side by side with the blind child as much as possible.
Since their childhood blind children must be taught to systematically replace articles every time after use: for example-toys, articles for personal use and kitchen utensils.
Teach your blind child to take correct posture, for example: to stand straight, and to enable him/her to stand face to face with the speaker.
Create and encourage to get opportunity to play together with other children.
Do not excessively parent or prohibit your children out of great anxiety.
Please do not leave me ( your son ) alone for good at the school. One day when I become educated, I would like to help Phay Phay and May May. In the same manner a I am snugly wrapped up in warm loving kindness of the Sayama, I would also wish to have serene loving kindness of the Phay Phay and May May.I also wish to play about with my brothers and sisters.Those are words spoken from the bottom of breasts of the blind children.
Sole of foot Reflexology
Your foot tells your story.
Sole of foot Reflexology is an ancient and powerful form of natural healing practiced in many countries including Persia, Tibet, India, China and Egypt. The use of applying pressure to the feet has been practiced by the Red Indian and other primitive tribes of Africa and is still in practice today in main-training physical, mental and spiritual balance.
The blind masseur from MCFB Massage Centre are well trained and are willing to help you for balancing your body and general health. By having Foot Reflexology, you feel lighter than before. Stimulates you innards to function well thus helps your circulation system. So, lease visit us!
Take good care of your sole of foot
Have treatment if necessary. In this way you can take good care of your general health.
Our workshop centre for the Blind warmly welcome you and is willing to help you too.